Habitation の英単語の一部です。
habi は、
nothing venture,nothing HABi. は、haveを言葉遊びしてみました。
もとのことわざである、 nothing venture, nothing have/gained. は、 何も冒険せず、何も持っていない→「虎穴に入らずんば、虎児を得ず」となりますが、カジュアルに、新しいことを求めて旅しよう位に捉えて頂ければと思います。
Choose your HABi, HABi your choice.は、HABiと、LOVEを入れ変えた有名なフレーズです。
(By President Thomas S. Monson President of the Church)
Habi is a part of the English word,"habitation".
In Japanese, it refers to residence or to live in a house/condo.
Nowadays, it is becoming possible to work and live without staying in one place.
We designed this facility to suit a variety of lifestyles, allowing you to stay in your home while traveling, or as a facility for people living in two locations, so that you can spend time interacting with the local lifestyle.
habi is
It rhymes with the Japanese journey's meaning word "tabi",and it means "love" in Arabic.
I aspire to welcome visitors with a sense of playfulness and compassion.
(charity; connecting visitors with wonderful local people and places)
nothing venture, nothing HABi,played a word game with HAVE.
i.e. Medical book:GRAYS ANATOMY → American drama: GREYS ANATOMY, etc.
The proverb states : If you don't try anything, you will gain nothing. It's like "If you don't go into the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cub." However, I hope you can think of it casually as if you were traveling in search of new things.
Choose your HABi, HABi your choice. is a famous phrase that swaps HABi and LOVE.
(By President Thomas S. Monson President of the Church)
We will continue to play with words by using habitation, have, and love, regardless of whether it is a single sentence or not.